the crew

Kerry, Charles, Regina and Holy Man make up the Flagship Crew, admirably steered by Nicky.

Kerry is Chief Engineer, quirky, diligent and warm, she very competently handles the reservations and is responsible for the day to day running of the ‘ship’.

Charles is Chief Breadmaker – his Fisherman’s Bread is legendary and the recipe remains top secret. Charles can be found cooking up a sumptuous feast for breakfast, always with his fantastic sense of humour.

Holy Man is Chief Steward, looking after the house and rooms. A most hardworking and humble man we’ve yet to find.

Regina, our Housekeeper, quietly keeps everything ship shape around the home.

A flagship is a vessel used by the commanding officer of a group of naval ships, reflecting the custom of its commander, characteristically a flag officer, flying a distinguishing flag.  Used more loosely, it is the lead ship in a fleet of vessels, typically the first, largest, fastest, most heavily armed, or best known.